Turn On’s

Us blonde, fearless femme fatales are in tune with the inner us. We know exactly what excites us, and what the secret is to get us revved up. I have composed a list of the top blonde, bronzed, twentysomething turn on’s, and would like to invite you to nod your head in complete and utter agreement:

1) A good sale. We are fashion-forward fashionistas and sometimes our wants far exceed what our Platinum Card has to offer. But there is no need to water-down our precious and pricy taste. A number of my friends have recently gotten goods from a consignment store on Avenue Road called Labels or Love (how adorable!) Think Chanel meets Miu Miu. This store offers the Who’s Who of designers at half the price. Not only that, but you can bring in last seasons YSL Tribtoo shoes that you couldn’t help but splurge on, and get some money back to put towards the next trend.

2) Root touch ups. Most hair salon’s offer you the opportunity to keep your natural hair colour a pretty little secret. Instead of having to defend your over-priced monthly highlight run to your friends, boyfriend and family, just go for a root touch up to space out time between big jobs. Oh and since our hair is our prize, we don’t want to kill it with mass bleaching and stripping alike. Nothing like a root touch up to tide us over.

3) A challenge. No girl wants a yes man who simply nods his head in agreement every time we pass a question or a thought out of our overly-glossy lips. The whole women like assholes thing isn’t because we want a guy to throw us to the curb and use us and abuse us, but instead, assholes invite a challenge. They are able to make our mind active and keep us on our toes. Now don’t get me wrong a challenge doesn’t mean playing games and acting hard to get, but a challenge is defined by their ability to make us question our thoughts and not hold them in such a stubborn this-is-the-way-it-is kind of fashion us twentysomethings have grown to love.

What are your turn ons?

– Jenny Jen

Baking for Blondes

They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Problem is – you’ve never used any of the accessories, uh…I mean, cooking appliances, in your kitchen. So what is a girl to do? Fear no more ladies. I have something simple, yet unique, that will make for a great light meal, or snack that is SO Fall. So join me in the kitchen, where I will walk you through a new favourite (and festive) dish I’ve put together, with a recipe so blonded-down, even you can do it!
Now remember – cooking can be fun and there aren’t any set in stone rules you need to follow. If you want more cinnamon sugar, add some more. Feel free to play around with the measurements I give you. Another way to enjoy baking is to cover your couture with an oh-so-girly apron. I suggest something like the Funktion apron, which can be found at Belle De Provence, for $54. Because we blonde bronze twentysomethings can use every opportunity we get to look cute! Belle De Provence offers five different styles, and let’s just say – if I cooked more than just these waffles, I’d have more than one!
Now put on your favourite iPod mix, and get into baking mode. Here we go…

Jenny Jen’s Pretty Lil’ Pumpkin Waffles for Two
You will need:
– 215 mL of Aunt Jemima’s Pancake Mix
– 1 pretty lil’ pumpkin
– 1 egg
– 150 mL of milk
– vanilla
– cinnamon sugar
Into the kitchen you go:
– preheat your oven to 350 F
– cut off the top of your pretty lil’ pumpkin, just the way you would prepare a pumpkin for carving
– reach your delicate hand down into the pumpkin, and pull out some of the guts
– place the big handful of guts onto an aluminum foil covered cookie sheet
– wrap the aluminum foil over the guts (so they don’t burn!)
– place in oven for 30 minutes
– remove from oven
– remove the seeds (straight to the garbage) and take the fleshy part of the guts and cut them into small pieces
– place the small pieces of guts into a blender and blend it with 150 mL of milk, until smooth
– in a medium sized bowl, add the pancake mix, egg, blended pumpkin milk (a.k.a. pureed pumpkin), 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and a generous pinch of cinnamon sugar, and stir until smooth
The hard part is over! All you need to do now is…
– spray some PAM onto the waffle maker (butter flavour PAM is my personal fave)
– pour half of the mix over the opened waffle maker, close, and let cook until you hear the beep!
– repeat with the leftover the mix
– serve!
I just love to sprinkle cinnamon sugar over the whole waffle. You can also add maple syrup, or any of your favourite toppings. If you don’t have a waffle maker in your home, you can always use this exact same recipe but instead, place the stirred up smooth ingredients onto a greased pan on the stove, and make them as pancakes! Please keep an eye on them so they don’t burn – best to cook the pumpkin pancakes on medium heat, flipping occasionally, until golden.
A waffle maker can be found at various stores such as The Bay, and they run from $75 – $100. Now I know you’d easily drop that money on a mani-pedi and waxing session, and this is definitely a purchase worth skipping your weekly visit for. It’s a great appliance to have when entertaining. It’s simple to use and perfect whether you are hosting a brunch, or just having dessert with the girls.
Happy Halloween.
– Jenny Jen
Want to purchase a Funktion apron? Call Belle De Provence’s toll free number to track down a location near you: 1-877-238-8801.

Write Here, Write Now

Alas, the day has come where I put my writing on paper (so to say). After posting collections of my writing on Facebook (creative/not so creative/poetry, etc.,) I’ve decided to branch out into the world of blogging. I’m not too sure what to expect, nor am I the most computer savvy kinda gal, but I’m looking forward to starting this new chapter of my life, and invite you to join me.

I catch myself each morning waking up and going directly for the ‘Life’ section in my newspaper. I then log on to cnn.com and check out the ‘Life’ stories there. I’ve always been drawn to stories about peoples lives, well being, relationship issues, friendship challenges and health. I’d like to touch on all these topics in my blog, and my intention is to do just that. Additionally, I’d like to use this blog as an outlet to express my creativity. I love writing, and write everything from lyrics, to short stories, to poems, to articles. And from now on I’m going to be writing them right here, as soon as they come up.

We’ve all heard the infamous question “Do blondes have more fun?” I hope that by following Blonde Bronzed Twentysomething on a daily basis, you can judge that answer for yourself. I have a love for life, excitement and fun. I look forward to sharing The Life and Times of a pint-sized twentysomething with all of you. I encourage you to bookmark my blog, and get involved in discussions.

– Jenny Jen

“I’m not offended by dumb blonde jokes because I know I’m not dumb, and I know I’m not blonde.” – Dolly Parton